Sunday, 2 April 2017

How to wear your positive pants

I guess we all got through times where all you want to do is stay at home in your pants with no human interaction waiting for exciting and happy times and opportunities to come our way. I'm guilty of it myself (maybe not the pants part) and its waaaaaay to easy to get stuck in this rut but luckily I have some tips to turn that frown upside down. Please note: The odd day spent at home in your pants is fully acceptable and allowed and is probably even encouraged. Even happy people can hate humans sometimes hehehe.

So whether its a f**kboy/situationship/scared of commitment but promises you the world anyway issue (Do I sound like an expert on this?), hating work and need to make a change asap, bored of everyday life, family driving you barmy or just generally down in the dumps, I believe it's quite common to just accept things for what they are and not really know which next step to take. I know I've been there and thought well clearly I'm meant to live in Plymouth forever with a phone contract as my only commitment - rest assured this won't be the case and isn't for you either.

When you're feeling lower than Flo Rida, it's quite common to see the negativity in everything possible. I remember moaning the other day because my McDonalds drink didn't have a Monopoly sticker on it (I was fuming) but luckily after being through some shitty stuff before (no relation to McDonalds at all) I know full well that being happy is all about putting your positive pants on and just having the right attitude to things so here's my tips on how to do so....

1) When picking yourself back up from snotty tissues and puffy eyes, I feel its best to take 1 week at a time. Each week plan or arrange something that gets you excited and gives you something to look forward too. This can be a night out with the girls, a cinema trip, a yoga class, joining a 'we hate men group' (Why does this not exist yet? *lightbulb*) or just a chilled night in with pizza and wine.

2) I find distraction is a wonderful thing when you're an over-thinker - I'd easily say its my worst trait, apart from my sense of humour of course. I'm one of those people, and I think a few of us are, where if I have too much time to think, you can guarantee it won't be long before I'm questioning human evolution and wandering if its possible to breathe out of your mouth and nose at the same time  (haha bet you're trying that now!). If this is you then I could not recommend finding a distraction more. Some ideas may be throwing yourself into getting that bikini body so becoming gym and food obsessed but in a healthy way that occupies you and makes you feel better. You could start writing a blog, pick up overtime at work, volunteer with a local charity, ANYTHING that keeps you and your little head busy - it works.

3) We all have some kind of aim for the future. Whether it's getting through the day without consuming 14 turkey dinosaurs (they are my fav) or saving to travel the world with your best friend make sure you do something each day to help you towards this goal. Whack a fiver in the travelling fund, buy something for your bottom drawer for when you buy your own home, avoid the local co op (Turkey Dinosaurs are always £1), this reminds you that you have something exciting to work and aim towards. It should hopefully also give you that buzz of excitement and butterflies in your tummy that can be so strong, you question your bowel movements. 

4) Try and be as organised as possible. I get some people are not organised at all and prefer to do everything in a rush or last minute (It's about what helps you the most) however I find when I'm more organised, I feel so much happier and also sleep loads better. I'm also more likely to avoid the chips in the work canteen because I have prepped a healthy lunch time treat the night before (why is everything relating to food here?!). I like to make a weekly to-do list of what I need to achieve and get done and tick it off as I go. I'm also one of those weirdos who writes stuff on their to do list they've already done just so I cam tick it off and make it look like I've done more - Loser alert. 

5) I am ssooooooooo guilty of this and it drives me so loopy. Don't compare yourself to others. At all. Ever. Just don't. It's so easy to click on Insta, see a picture of a girl with a banging bod, unreal tan, hair longer than Rapunzel and then fight the urge to eat an apple a week, buy a sunbed for your bedroom and ditch your hairdresser. The same as seeing someone your age buy their first house whilst you're at home with Mum waiting for your tea to be cooked. There's nothing wrong with either of them and just because someones  taking a different path to you, doesn't mean its the right one. Me - a mortgage? I've only just moved from PAYG with my mobile. But on the other hand, I know I've achieved things personally that others haven't - its swings and roundabouts so once again. Don't compare yourself to others. At all. Ever. Just don't.

So there is 5 tips on how to wear your positive pants. It's so so important to try and be happy. We're all humans and of course there are going to be times where you cry so much you think you'll dehydrate (I'm the queen of tears - oh - and I'm such an ugly crier) but it's important to not stay this way and to make sure you're wearing your positive pants as much as possible :) 

Love M i c h a e l a x 

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